Credits 📚
Everything and everyone that has helped me create this website
  • 🌐 Audun Hilden - For the creation of the HTML boilerplate which can be seen in my old website.
  • 🏷️ Phineas Walton - For the creation of the REST API which exposes my Discord Activity.
  • 🌏 Ven - For the Time component.
  • 🎵 Alistair Smith - For the "pop" sound on page load.
  • 💻 Next.js - The JavaScript Framework that I built this website with.
  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS - The CSS Framework that I built this website with.
  • GitHub API - The API that I used to fetch my GitHub Repos & Follower Count.
  • Twitter API - The API that I used to fetch my Twitter Follower Count.